Microsoft Office 365 is available to all current Luther Seminary students. To access Office 365 please follow the directions below:
Stop! Already have Microsoft Office installed? Your computer will only allow one version of Office to be installed. Please ensure you have recorded the serial number or access information for your personal copy of Office before following the directions below.
- Visit
- When asked for Microsoft account, enter your email address and click Next. You’ll be taken to the Luther Seminary login page. Login with your Luthersem username and password
- If prompted, select School or work profile
- On new screen select Install Office in the top right corner
- In dropdown menu select Office 365 apps
- Open the downloaded file and follow the prompts to give it permission to make changes to your computer
- The download will begin. You will get a window where it is saying “please stay online while office downloads” and it will have the images for the different office apps. Make sure that your computer is plugged in, as it may take awhile. You can track the progress of the downloads by the blue bar in the window.
- Open Word (or other app), you should get the message that your account has Microsoft 365 and will prompt you to click the “get started” button.
- A window will tell you that you are set, and you should be free to use any of the apps provided.
What if you…
- Previously installed Microsoft Office 2019/2016
- You may be able to re-install previous versions of office it by using the product key. If you need to look up the product key you may need to log in to the with the Microsoft account you setup when you originally installed Office. You may have used your seminary email address or a personal one. If prompted to choose whether this was a personal account or a work/school account choose personal.
- Graduate from Luther Seminary
- Office 365 access will expire when your account transitions to an alumni account (approximately 30-60 days after graduation)
- Withdraw from Luther Seminary
- Office 365 access will be removed
Faculty & Staff
Seminary managed faculty and staff computers are pre-loaded with Microsoft Office.
Faculty using a technology stipend to purchase their own computer are responsible for purchasing any necessary software.
Other Software
Students are eligible to obtain a free copy of Windows 10 and other software at discounted rates from OnTheHub. Just login with your Luther Seminary account