In today’s God Pause, Rodger Prois ’93 M.Div., reflects on letting God open our eyes to see joy. Read today’s God Pause.
Archives for April 14, 2023
Summer Registration Steps
Prior to accessing summer registration on MyLutherNet you will be required to complete the Registration Agreement and Personal Information Update. These two steps can be completed now by selecting 2022-2023 summer from the registration term drop down.
Online registration for summer term will open next week according to student status.
PowerPoint Party
Make sure to tune into our PowerPoint party THIS Monday, April 17 at 7 p.m. CT! We could still use 2-3 more people to present on anything your heart fancies. Come hang out, and maybe even present on a topic you’re passionate about!
Sign up here.
See Community Announcements email for Zoom link.
St. Paul Saints Game May 4th
We’re taking you out to the ball game!
Celebrate the end of the year with a St. Paul Saints baseball game on May 4. We have 20 tickets available to students, staff, and faculty, which will be up for grabs on Monday, April 17th at 12 p.m. CT, so mark your calendars and set your alarms!
We will also carpool, so keep that in mind, but we’ll discuss later!
If the tickets are all claimed before you’ve had your chance you have 2 options:
1) You can sign up for our waitlist in case someone is no longer available.
2) You can buy your own ticket and watch with us, as well as carpool with us! Tickets for “Berm” are $5 + taxes. Buy tickets here:
Excited to watch the game with you!