Have questions about the Fall 2023 Curricular Refresh? Dean Rolf Jacobson, Sarah Luedtke-Jones, and Ashley Wheeler will be hosting the help session today at 12 p.m. (Central) on Zoom. See link in the Community Announcements email.
Archives for April 20, 2023
Saint Paul Saints Night! 5/4 @ 6:37
We’re taking you out to the ballgame!
Celebrate the end of the year with a St. Paul Saints baseball game. We have 20 tickets available to students, staff, and faculty (and family)!
We will also carpool, so keep that in mind, but we’ll discuss later! Those who drive for the carpool will be reimbursed for mileage and parking.
If tickets are all claimed before you’ve had your chance you have 2 options:
1. You can sign up for our waitlist in case someone is no longer available.
2. You can buy your own ticket and watch with us, as well as carpool with us! Tickets for “Berm” are $5 + taxes. Buy tickets here:
Excited to watch the game with you!