In this devotion, Robert Hansen ’72 M.Div. writes about preparing for Lent. Read today’s God Pause.
Archives for February 21, 2023
Karaoke POSTPONED to Friday 2/24
With potentially historic snow coming on Thursday, we are going to postpone out karaoke event to Friday. So, please join us at karaoke on Friday. We will still have Mim’s Cafe Mediterranean food, but unfortunately, Bubbly Loon will not be able to join us. We’ll have sodas and other soft drinks instead. It is sure to be a good time!
Please note: This event is weather permitting. We will follow how the week proceeds.
Vending Machines – New Location!
You can now find traditional vending machines in the basement area of Gullixson! These machines take cash or card. Unfortunately, due to lagging sales, the machines in OCC have been removed. We hope the proximity of the new machines closer to more of the campus classes will provide increased convenience!
COVID-19 Dashboard for February 13–17
Reported employee cases: 0
Reported student cases: 0
Students in quarantine or isolation: 0
Reported cases only include students and employees who have been on campus within a period of time during which they may have been contagious. According to the CDC this includes two days prior to the onset of symptoms or a positive test.
If you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, or if you are an unvaccinated individual who has been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of that person for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period), please report that to the appropriate person. For employees, that person is Michael Morrow ( Students should contact Leon Rodrigues (
Contact Tracing Protocol
When an on-campus case of COVID-19 is reported, that person is first asked to stay off-campus and quarantine in accordance with CDC guidelines. In addition, the seminary takes two steps for contact tracing:
The Minnesota Department of Health is notified, per guidelines for institutions of higher education
The person reporting the case is asked to identify “close contacts”; the close contacts identified are notified of the exposure and asked to follow CDC guidelines for testing and quarantining (quarantine applies only to close contacts who are unvaccinated).
Native American Spirituality Course by Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy
The Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community at St. Olaf College is sponsoring an online community education course on Native American Spirituality led by Luther Seminary alum Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy during Spring 2023. This course will explore Indigenous perspectives on spirituality, language, voice, history, interpretation, and values.
When: 6:30-7:45 p.m. Thursdays (February 23– April 27 with no meeting on March 30 and April 6) on Zoom; one in-person gathering on Thursday, April 13, with Dr. Gwen Westerman
Cost (for all classes): $10 for students; $25 for staff/faculty, alumni, and parents; $50 for community members. Register here!
Registration is open and all are invited to participate!