Prof. Mark Tranvik shared with me that Luther senior M.Div. student Devin Ames has been selected as one of 14 seminary students to be a fellow in the Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE) program this summer. This summer, the 14 Seminary fellows, along with 14 Journalism and 14 medical fellows, will spend two weeks traveling in and around Berlin, Krakow, and Auschwitz, studying the field of professional ethics. The program, which is fully funded, provides a contextual experience to study ethics in places they were egregiously violated. The opportunity to participate in this program is both incredibly exciting and extremely heavy.
If you have questions about the program, feel free to reach out to Devin now about the application process, or after the trip (which is June 23-July 7) about the program itself.
Please join me in congratulating Devin on this wonderful accomplishment.
Leon A Rodrigues, Dean of Students.