Each weekday, our community has the opportunity to gather together for a form of worship or spiritual practice. We gather during regular semesters Monday through Friday at 11 a.m. CT. For each day, there are in-person and online participation opportunities. See the Community Announcement emails for Zoom links.
Monday – Text Study
- 45 minutes
- Where: Zoom
- All are welcome to gather in a Zoom meeting to (1) read the weekly texts from the Revised Common Lectionary, (2) share observations and wonderings about the texts, and (3) brainstorm ways to approach the texts in preaching and teaching in the coming week.
Tuesday – Contemplative Practice
- 30 minutes
- Where: OCC Meditation Chapel and Zoom
- All are welcome to gather in person or on Zoom for a simple practice of silence. We will begin by reading the psalm for the day from the RCL daily reading. Then we will sit in silence for 15 minutes, during which time participants may practice centering prayer or mindful sketching (some art supplies will be available, but you are encouraged to bring your own).
Wednesday – Service of Holy Communion
- 45 minutes
- Where: Olson Campus Center Chapel of the Incarnation and Youtube
- Each week we will share in Holy Communion while both honoring our deep heritage of Lutheran liturgy and exploring the global diversity and ecumenical nature of our seminary community.
Thursday – Lunch Church
- 50 minutes
- Where: Olson Campus Center Dining Room A and B
- All are welcome to gather around a free community meal and a simple spiritual practice. This is an excellent time to connect in relationships and experience fresh expressions of how the church may gather.
Friday – Intercessory Prayer
- 30 minutes
- Where: Zoom
- All are welcome to gather for a time of intercessory prayer and fellowship.