What is the proper response when we encounter Christ?
The Revised Common Lectionary this week takes us to the story when Jesus borrows Simon’s boat, tells him to cast his nets into deeper water, and Simon leaves everything to follow Jesus. When Simon sees Jesus’ power his first response is to say, “Get away from me, I am a sinful man.” The First reading takes us to a similar moment in Isaiah 6 when God calls Isaiah to be a prophet. Isaiah says, “I am a man of unclean lips.” In both stories God does not reject these sinful men. Instead, God transforms them and empowers them to be messengers of God’s love and salvation for the world.
Oh, that we would be both undone and transformed by God’s presence this week.
- Isaiah 6:1–8 (9–13) – Isaiah is called by God
- Psalm 138:1-8 – The Psalmist praises God for God’s steadfast love
- 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 – Our hope is in the resurrection of Christ
- Luke 5:1–11 – Jesus calls fishermen to fish for people
Circle Practice Begins on Tuesday
Join us in the OCC Meditation Chapel on Tuesday at 11:00am and on Zoom as Dr. Mary Hess leads us in our first Circle Practice of the season. We will practice this important community building skill on the first Tuesday of each month. This is a time to gather in openness and learn to listen deeply to others in order to mend fences, build bridges, and become a stronger community in Christ.
Dr. Kristofer Phan-Coffman Preaching in our ELW Liturgy on Wednesday
This is the first week of February. That means it is time to gather on Wednesday to celebrate Holy Communion in the liturgical style of the ELW (Evangelical Lutheran Worship). We are excited to hear from Dr. Kristofer Phan-Coffman, our assistant professor of New Testament.
A Visual Guide to the Lectionary texts…Enjoy!