What are Pocket Surveys? Pocket Surveys are short surveys to gauge student views about your experiences with various processes and offices on campus. These surveys will be distributed four times during this academic year to all students. Pocket surveys are can be done on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone and will take five minutes at the most to complete. Taking the survey is voluntary, but we urge you to share your thoughts. These are confidential and anonymous. You don’t have to answer questions you are not comfortable with. We ask for demographic information as part of our commitment to inclusion and belonging. We want to acknowledge and respect how diversity influences perspectives. General results are shared with the Luther Seminary campus community. This month the focus is on the Writing Services offered at Luther Seminary. The survey is open now until January 31, 2025. Take the survey online today. Questions? Please contact Trina in the Office of Institutional Research (research@luthersem.edu).