The Office of Academic Affairs is sad to announce Arlene Flancher will be moving on from her role as Project Coordinator and Counselor on the Admissions Team to take a new position at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Arlene has deeply impacted students through her work with Children, Youth, and Family Ministry, advising students in the Professional MA programs, working with the Stewardship Leaders program, and most recently in her work with the Admissions team. Arlene brought a unique set of capacities to her role. She loves spreadsheets almost as much as she loves equipping leaders. She is as gifted at tackling complex projects and leading international travel groups as she is telling little people about Jesus and helping leaders discern their callings. We will miss her and wish her well as she returns to congregational ministry. Please join us in celebrating Arlene on Monday, September 9 from 8:30–10 a.m. in Bockman Hall 116. Bagels and coffee will be served.
Terri Elton, Dean of Academic Affairs
Andy Root, Professor of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry
Jessi LeClear Vachta, Director of Enrollment
Grace Pomroy, Director of Stewardship Leadership Program