Matt Skinner will teach a for-credit travel course next year centered around a trip to Istanbul and the breathtaking excavated ruins of several ancient cities including Ephesus, Pergamum, Sardis, and Alexandria Troas. Next May 19-28, visit and learn from sites associated with the seven churches addressed by the book of Revelation, the ministry of Paul the Apostle, and the episodes from Acts that occur in the province that the Romans called Asia. Discover more about how the New Testament reflects ancient imperial dynamics—dynamics that influenced ancient Christ followers, their interactions with their neighbors, and their efforts to bear witness to Christ. Preliminary information about the trip’s dates, itinerary, and approximate cost is available online. Email Prof. Skinner ( or Jody Nyenhuis ( to have your name added to a list of people interested in receiving more information before the trip’s registration period opens at the end of July.