Beginning February 19, Faith+Lead’s 4-day video series event will share ministry insights gleaned from thousands of ministry leaders and learners within the Faith+Lead ecosystem. In the series of videos, Alicia Granholm covers topics like understanding cultural shifts away from the voluntary association model for churches, essential theological commitments, 5 core tasks for recognizing the difference Jesus makes, and 4 pivots for the church to follow God into a faithful future. The videos distills much of the research and work of Faith+Lead for those who have been journeying with us for awhile and for those new to considering how to innovate faithfully. It is sure to seed important conversations between called and volunteer leaders in a multitude of ministry contexts.
Register today to be notified when each video is released, express your ideas in the comments, and share this experience with others you know who need these life-giving frameworks for the church moving forward.