Are you currently or soon to be serving as an intern in a congregational context? Are you excited about learning new things related to stewardship, financial wellness, and church funding?
If you answered yes to both questions, you are encouraged to apply to be a Stewardship Scholars Fellow. This new 6-month fellowship is funded by the Stewardship Leaders Program, and we are so excited to provide this opportunity for a cohort of 4 interns.
Application Deadline: January 21, 2024 — Apply online today.
Fellow Requirements:
- Serve as an intern for at least 3 months of the 6-month fellowship (Feb-July)
- Complete an internship project related to stewardship, financial wellness, and/or church funding
- Participate in monthly Zoom group coaching calls
- Attend a financial wellness session with Grace Pomroy, Director of the Stewardship Leaders Program
- Submit an artifact at the completion of the fellowship (article, materials from the internship project, etc.) that the Stewardship Leaders Program can share with its audience and donors.
Fellow Receives:
- Scholarship of $4,500: $2,000 at start of the program, $2,500 at the end
- 6 months of group coaching with Grace Pomroy and other fellows
- Scholarship of $1,350 to attend the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF) course within one year of the start of the program
If you have questions, please contact Grace Pomroy, Director of the Stewardship Leaders Program (, or Emily Rova-Hegener, Contextual Learning Associate (”