Tessa Pinkstaff has discerned a call to transition from her role as manager of live learning at Faith+Lead to a part-time contractor with Faith+Lead in order to pursue additional opportunities God is bringing her way, effective December 31, 2023. We are incredibly grateful for Tessa’s service on staff and are thankful to continue our work with her in a new capacity.
Emily McQuillan will transition from a project manager for Faith+Lead to the senior manager of live learning and communities, effective January 1, 2024. In this role, Emily will manage and oversee Faith+Lead’s live learning offerings, including learning communities, workshops, and webinars. In this enhanced role, Emily will also help develop strategic paths for learners and leaders to engage and go deeper in transformational learning through community engagement.
Please join me in thanking Tessa for all of her contributions to Luther and in congratulating Emily on her new role. Questions? Contact Alicia Granholm, senior director of Faith+Lead, agranholm001@luthersem.edu.