Faith+Lead is developing a course entitled Crash Course: Bible which will answer broad questions about the history, cultural context, and organization of the Bible, as well as give pointers on how people might use the Bible in their daily lives. Each module will include personal stories that will offer various perspectives on reading the Bible.
Course instructor Stephanie Luedtke is looking for a small number of seminary students to record Zoom interviews about your experiences with the Bible. This interview topic chart gives you an idea of the kinds of questions you will be asked.
You would receive a $100 stipend (upon submission of a W-9) for 60 minutes of your time over Zoom. All recordings must be completed by mid-September. Contact Stephanie directly at with questions and/or to confirm your participation. She will schedule the Zoom meeting based on your availability and help you with your recording.
Your stories are important. This course is designed for real people like you, and Faith+Lead’s learners would greatly benefit from your shared experience. Thank you for considering this request!