Do you want to expand your knowledge of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging? Connect more deeply with the beloved community seeking an end to racism, inequity, and injustice? Then consider attending these upcoming events in our community!
ABIDE Film Discussion – on Zoom!
September 24 at 3:30pm
Join us online for a Zoom (TBD) discussion for National Hispanic-American Heritage Month. We ask that you watch the following video in preparation for a vibrant discussion. All are welcome!
All-Community ABIDE Book Club!
Bibliographic Resources for MLK, DEIB, and RRR
Theme Bibliography: At the beginning of this new year, we celebrate the heritage of MLK—Martin Luther King, Jr. We also launch a renewed focus at Luther Seminary on DEIB—Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
The final acronym, RRR, is one we’ve made up to emphasize a new focus on Reconciliation and Reversing Racism—all three foci so much needed in today’s church and world. As such we’ve selected important books, journal articles, and other links on these subjects.
Find the bibliographic resources for MLK, DEIB, and RRR.
Available now in the Luther Seminary Library: New books on justice, politics, social issues.
Do you know of an event promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging that you want to share with the Luther Seminary community? Please submit it to ABIDE at