The African Descent Lutheran Association created “Many Voices, Tell the Story, Create the Vision, Build Our Future,” a strategic plan and vision document detailing God’s work in and through the African descent community of the ELCA, and outlining steps for ministry in African descent communities. This plan was approved by the churchwide assembly in 2005 and it remains a powerful resource for this work.
Resources & Reporting
Transforming White Privilege – Racial Equity Tools
Transforming White Privilege: A 21st Century Leadership Capacity from Racial Equity Tools is curriculum designed to help current and emerging leaders from a variety of sectors better identify, talk about, and intervene to address white privilege and its consequences.
The faculty and staff of Luther Seminary will be trained in this curriculum in April 2018.
Racial Justice Resources – ELCA
God’s Faithfulness on the Journey from Rostered Women of Color
Breaking the Bonds
Lazarus at the Gate
Understanding and Dismantling Racism
Even the Stones will Cry Out for Justice
One Body, Many Members
Troubling the Waters for Healing of the Church
Racial Justice Resources – Women of the ELCA
Women of the ELCA has developed several racial justice advocacy resources.
From their website:
We know some of the hazards of having conversations about race. We know far too many conversations about race fail to be helpful. This is a shame, because it takes a great deal of energy to have any conversation about race. It makes sense to direct some of that energy to learning how to have helpful conversations about race.
And so, Women of the ELCA offers three resources to help.
The resources include “How to have helpful conversations about race in the church”; a Bible study, “Listening to the third slave”; and a historical timeline to help congregations better understand race relations in the current climate. An anti-racism Bible study “The Story of Peter & Cornelius” has been updated.
Report an Incident
You can report directly to: the Director of Human Resources, Dean of Student Life, Director of Advising and Community Life, Writing Support and Library Acquisitions Coordinator, a male or female faculty member as designated by the Faculty Concerns Committee (FCC), or any department supervisor.
You can also report online, anonymously if you wish.