Join us to view “Have You Heard from Johannesburg” episode 3 (“Selma to Soweto”), which highlights the practice of solidarity across national boundaries.
Monday, February 12, 2024, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in OCC 10. Refreshments provided.
The US was one of the strategically powerful supporters of South Africa during the era of apartheid but also became “a key battleground in the anti-apartheid movement as African Americans led the charge to change the government’s policy toward the apartheid regime.” A grassroots movement to get colleges, city councils, and states to divest their holdings in companies doing business in South Africa spreads across the entire nation pressuring the US Congress to sanction South Africa. The stunning victory was won against the formidable opposition of President Ronald Reagan as African Americans significantly altered US foreign policy for the first time in history.