Are you interested in participating in Word & World as a student member of the Editorial Board?
Word & World is the quarterly journal of Theology for Christian Ministry published by the faculty of the seminary. Its work is guided by the staff and an Editorial Board made up of seven members of the Luther faculty and two students. The students are full voting members of the board. Both student slots are open for next year, starting July 1, 2023.
Membership on the board is voluntary and unsalaried, but students do get the opportunity to participate in the life of a significant theological journal. Duties include regular attendance at board meetings (perhaps two or three per year) and thoughtful contribution to the board’s work, including bringing ideas for issues and authors. All students, in any program, are eligible.
If you would like to be a student board member for 2023-2024 please reply both to Prof. Alan Padgett (Board Chair) and Prof. Mark Granquist (Editor) with a note that spells out your interest in the position, your availability to serve, and your qualifications. Include your year, program, and anticipated graduation date. To be considered, these must be received by Friday, May 14, 2023. Let us know, too, if you have further questions.